Saturday, November 3, 2007

Harry Reid made my day

**DISCLAIMER: I know it's been over a month since I last let my written voice ring through the bloggosphere. I do apologise for the tens of people who read this blog and had nothing to wake up to every morning.**,5143,695217196,00.html

Harry Reid really did make my day. Not only was the Marriott center filled with mostly Democrats or Anti-Bushians, I was sitting on the 3rd row (granted, I was there an hour in advance. Hey, it was ok for students to CAMP OUT when President Hinckley came).

And it was great. Beyond amazing.

He even smoothly incorporated his opinion of the Bush Administration.
And much to my surprise a large majority of the audience cheered and applauded him.

While I waiting for the Devotional to start, I was listening in on a conversation of 2 students behind me. They were very much Democrat, since the girl was discussing the purchase of an Anti-Bush bumper sticker and how it would lower the re-sale value of her car. They did make one remark that I thought was very true:

"The thing I like about Harry Reid is that he embraces his religious beliefs in his political career. I'm not saying he forces them into his job, but he's not ashamed of them. That's why I can't support Mitt Romney. It's almost as if he tries to distance himself from his religion, just to gain public support."


Simon said...

Glad to see you're back!

As to this speech, I find it upsetting that religion is put forward as an argument to vote for him. (I wouldn't vote for some politician just because he's a Star Wars fan! — just to make a silly comparison.) He talks more about him being a Mormon than about what his political beliefs are. What I understood was that he was against abortion.

I think it is upsetting, even disturbing, because the United States are not officially a Christian nation, nor a religious nation for that matter (cf. First Amendment of the US Consitution). Religions must be separated from the State. In Belgium, it would be unthinkable that a politician talks about religion in a speech — even if several of them do have Christian-inspired politics (e.g. their stand on abortion).

Sorry for my rather vehement criticism about this kind of American politics, but as a Belgian citizen, I advocate religion as private matter; it shouldn't been made public.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

PS. I'll send you the results of our "dialectenquĂȘte" as soon as we get them.

Ellen said...

am indeed back! I've just been swamped for the past couple of months with school work.

I agree with you. I think that a huge part of the problem is the media putting too much focus on his religion. They see a him as a Mormon running for president, rather than a Republican running for president. I am a Mormon myself, but I'm not voting for Mitt Romney, nor do I endorce the Republican Party. There are also many American Mormon's who are not voting for Mitt. The Church has also taken a Political Neutrality stand as well, but encourages its members to be politically active and educated.

It is very true that this only seems to occur in the US. When I go to Mormon Church meetings in Belgium, politics never come up.

And hey, criticise as much as you want! That's what I do too! And I do it as a Belgian citizen INSIDE the US! :-)

Simon said...

Yeah, let's criticize everything! That's what I'm the best at. And I often criticize myself for being such a moron in many situations. ;)